I've been assembling a list of book contests for my Zoom students, a mixture of first book, open contests, and open reading periods. I thought it might be useful for others, so here it is. I cannot vouch for these contests (nor contest culture generally), though most of these presses are well-known and have long track records. Links won't always land you exactly where you need to be, but are always less than two degrees of separation from the necessary Submittable page. Good luck!
Book Contests
2. C & R Press Poetry First Book Award—9/1
3. Brittingham Prize--9/15
4. Felix Pollak Prize--9/15
5. Philip Levine Prize--9/30
6. Juniper Prize (UMass)--9/30
7. Miller Williams Poetry Prize—9/30--$28
8. Diode Press Book Contest--9/30
9. X.J. Kennedy Book Award--9/30
11. Jake Adam Yorke (Levin) 10/15--$25
12. Gerald Cable Book Award (Silverfish)—10/15--$28
15. Conduit Minds on Fire Open Book Prize--10/31
16. American Poetry Review/Honickman First Book Prize—10/31--$25
17. Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award—10/31--$25
18. Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry—10/31--$25
19. Brick Road Poetry Book Contest—11/1--$30
20. Perugia Press Intro Award—11/15--$30
21. Yale Series of Younger Poets—11/15--$25
22. A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize (BOA)—11/30--$25
23. Cider Press Review Book Award—11/30--$26
24. Nightboat Books Poetry Prize—11/30--$28
25. Black Lawrence Press (Open Reading)--11/30
26. White Pine Press Poetry Prize—11/30--$20 (mail only)
27. Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize—12/1--$29
28. Gival Press Poetry Award—12/15--$20
29. Codhill Press Pauline Uchmanowicz Poetry Award—12/30--$30
30. Hollis Summers Poetry Prize--12/31--$30
31. Colorado Prize for Poetry—1/14
32. Burnside Review Press Book Contest—1/15
33. Terry J. Cox Poetry Award 1/31
34. Tupelo Press Dorset Prize 1/31
35. Michael Waters 2/1
36. Tinderbox Open Reading 2/4
37. Omnidawn First/Second Poetry Book Contest –2/13
38. New American Press 2/14
39. Kathryn A. Morton Prize (Sarabande)—2/15
40. Willow Run Poetry Book Award 2/20
41. AWP Award Series in Poetry—2/28
42. Fjords Press Book Contest—2/28
43. Steel Toe Books (open reading)--3/1
44. Lexi Rudnitsky Editor’s Choice Award (Persea)—3/7
45. Washington Prize (Word Works)—3/15
46. National Poetry Series—3/15
47. Prairie Schooner Book Prize—3/15
48. Airile Press--3/15
49. Four Way Books: Levis Poetry Prize—3/31
50. The Antivenom Poetry Award—3/31*
51. Hudson Prize--3/31 (1/31 $5 discount)
52. Paul Neer Poetry Award—3/31
53. Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize—4/1--$30
54. Orison Books 4/1--$25
55. Hub City Southern Voices Writing Prize (every other spring)
56. Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize (Pitt)— 4/30--$25
57. Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize—4/30--$25
58. Violet Reed Haas Prize for Poetry—4/30?--$25
59. The Hillary Gravendyk Prize, Inlandia Institute—4/30--$20
60. The Iowa Poetry Prize—4/30--$$20
61. Trio Award for First or Second Book—4/30--$25
62. Trio House Louise Bogan Award—4/30--$25
64. Wick Poetry Prize—5/1--$30
65. The Backwaters Prize in Poetry—4/1-5/1--$32
66. The Idaho Prize for Poetry—5/15--$28
67. Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry—5/16--$28
68. The Max Ritvo Prize—5/21--$25
69. The Anhinga Prize for Poetry—5/31--$25
70. Berkshire Prize Tupelo Press—5/31--$31
71. Autumn House Poetry Contest--5/31
72. University of Akron Press Prize--6/15
73. Bitter Oleander Press LOP Award--6/15
74. Moon City Poetry Award--June 15
75. Fourteen Hills Michael Rubin Award--6/16
76. Cider Press Review Editors' Prize--6/30
77. Barrow Street Book Prize--6/30
78. Black Lawrence Open Reading--6/30
79. May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize--6/30
80. Crab Orchard Review First Book Award--7/1
81. Marystina Santiestevan First book Prize (Conduit)--7/5
82. Passengers Press—7/22
83. Press 53 Award for Poetry--7/31
84. Howling Bird Press Book Prize (CNF in 2022 / alternates genres)--7/31
85. Trio House Press Open Reading--7/31
86. Omnidawn Open--8/14
87. Grayson Books Poetry Prize--8/15
88. Poetry NW Possession Sound Open Reading--8/31
89. Ex Ophidia Pres Book Contest--8/31
90. Tupelo Press Open Reading--8/31
91. St. Lawrence Book Award--8/31
92. Off the Grid Press Prize (Poets Over 60)--8/31