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Chuck Calabreze on Poetry

Poetry, n. A narrowing of the prose for which there is no known cure.


In America, everybody loves poets. They just don't want them getting into the house.


Writing prose poems is like playing tennis without a ball.


It turns out poetry is pretty much rocket science.


Wild poetry is often ignored because it can’t be saddled up and ridden in the fenced arena of the essay.


Poetry doesn’t explain the world; it rescues the world from explanation.


Poets experience life more deeply than the rest of us—and then make us feel bad by writing about it.


Publication is not proof of excellence, it’s evidence of persistence.


Poetry is to fiction as a kleptomaniac is to baking.


Relax, poets. Crazy is in the job description.


Activist/Poet, n. Activist.


Never pay a poet by the hour.


Procrastination is a kind of poetry.


Artistic elitist, n. Someone who tries to do something well, thereby oppressing those who would rather not.


I’m writing for the ages. It’d be good if we had some.

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